ICBATS- Dubai 2023

The International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security (ICBATS) is jointly organized by Center for Cyber-Physical Systems, Khalifa University, Global Academic Forum on Technology, Innovation and Management (GAF-TIM), Creative Ideas, Seminars & Conferences (CISC) and in technical collaboration with IEEE UAE Section, which will be held physically at Dubai, UAE on 7,8th March 2023. The main goal of ICBATS is to share, exchange knowledge and innovative ideas about the current trends in Computer Sciences, Communications & Information Technology, Cyber Security, Business Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. All papers will be peer reviewed by at least two reviewers based on full paper submission. Accepted papers will be published in the ICBATS proceedings, and will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.
Conference Hosting & Organizers



Strategic Partners

International Conference on
Business Analytics For
Technology and Security
Topics of interest
We invite papers that pertain to the conference theme including but not limited to
- Internet of Things
- Machine Learning & Deep Learning
- Web, Networking & Communication
- Intelligent IS & Business Analytics
- Big Data & Data Analytics
- Cyber Security & Privacy
- Blockchain Technology
- Autonomous Vehicles and Drones
- e-Learning & m-Learning Systems
- Computer Vision & Image Processing